Identify the birds in the following photographs, all of which were taken by me in New England. This gallery of untitled photos is randomly arranged and includes more than one photo of most species. If you get stuck, the 10 possibilities (in my Life List order) are provided below. If you're reading this post via e-mail, visit the blog to view the full-size images.

The Birds of Life List Bird Game #35
341. Great Gray Owl
342. Vermilion Flycatcher (terrible quality photo)
343. Fieldfare (terrible quality photo)
344. Painted Bunting
345. Brown Booby
346. Magnificent Frigatebird
347. Snowy Plover
348. Brown Pelican
349. Black-necked Stilt
350. South Polar Skua
Hint: You can use the photo filename to check your guesses. For example: 008grca.jpg corresponds with my 8th Life Bird: Gray Catbird.